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USMLE Tutoring and MCAT Tutoring


  • MedSchoolGurus delivers private online individualized tutoring sessions with outstanding Gurus who demonstrate excellence in teaching, scored above 255 on their USMLE exams and above 98th percentile on the MCAT, matched at top programs, and are specially trained to help students develop the test-taking strategies needed to crush the USMLE and MCAT exams.

  • Sessions are easy to fit into your busy schedule and can booked by the hour or in discounted packages.

  • Average USMLE score increase: 40 points (depends on number of months over which tutoring took place, number of hours of tutoring, and baseline score). 

  • Average MCAT score increase: 15 points (depends on number of months over which tutoring took place, number of hours of tutoring, and baseline score). 

  • Contact us today for a free 1 hour skype consultation to see which tutoring or advising option is best for you!



  • MedSchoolGurus was founded with the goal of providing outstanding guidance and insights to help students achieve their goals of being amazing doctors. From the MCAT, to the USMLEs, and the residency match, MedSchoolGurus has your back and will help you succeed.

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